Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Time for a little something more

Cole (a.k.a. "Frank the tank") has been getting cereal in his nighttime bottle for a few weeks now. After a rather long night in CT when Cole consumed 16 oz of formula (8 at bedtime and 8 at midnight) we decided we needed to "thicken up" that last bottle. During the day, though, he still has been getting 6-7 oz. every 4 hours.


Saturday, he started fussing 3 hours after a 7 oz. bottle. ARE YOU KIDDING? In the words of "Cool Shannon", Cole's ready for "Surf & Turf". Since I was a tad frustrated, I decided to attempt cereal. He was so hungry, I had to give him 4 ounces of formula just to calm him down first. I put him in the highchair (that he fills quite nicely, unlike A & E). Then I gave him about a dozen spoonfuls of cereal. I've no idea how much actually was consumed but a good deal of it dribbled down his chin & onto the bib.

I'll be honest, I'm scared out of my wits for the move toward cereal! I love the schedule of bottles. I'm used to the routine! With my other two kids, the cereal switch wasn't a big deal...you just adjusted the feeding schedule based on how long it was before they were hungry again. As far as how much they were given, well, I just gave them spoonfuls until they turned away. But now we're talking 3! Where do I start? How much do I give? How often? All three at once? One at a time? One bowl & spoon? Three bowls and spoons? Do they get a bottle as a chaser? An hors d'oeuvre?

For now, the saving grace is E. With all his extra needs, I'm not even attempting to make the switch now. BUT...if in the coming weeks, you don't see me very often...it's because I just couldn't hack the stress of the change...I'm at home, in a dark corner, curled in a ball, rocking back and forth, humming "Mary Had a Little Lamb"...


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness.... i didnt think those cheeks could hold any more!! tell "cool shannon" she needs to come feed him...it was her idea:)!!lol.
the Lord knew you could handle a little more...you are doing an amazing job!!!

salli said...

Oh, you are too funny! You'll get them all down on a new routine before I could even get one kid on a routine! You're am amazing triplet momma. I mean, you've got 3 or 4 new posts on here all while being a mom of five beautiful kiddos. On a side note, I'm going through baby withdrawal. I think I need to come over soon. :o)