Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Big Kids

About a week or so ago, I posted a 7-month update on the triplets. Since then, I've started feeling a little guilty that I didn't write anything for "The Big Kids". So, here you go. An update on them. No weights (partly because I don't know them and partly because it's not as cute at this age) but I'll do my best to capture the "essence" of them...

Zoe Christine
aka: Zobo, Zo, Zoe-palooza, Christine


  • 5, going on 16
  • Kindergartner (and doing quite well, despite being the youngest in her class)
  • Very helpful and proud big sister
  • Has more energy than I ever thought possible for one person to have
  • Totally thinks she should have a working cell phone
big fan: purses, high-heeled shoes, pink, purple, nail polish, jump-roping, hanging upside-down, swimming, gum, Peanut Butter & Fluff (thanks Cool Shannon)

not so much: being told what to do


Ty Douglas
aka: TyTy, Ty-D, Dougie, TyBo, Douglas, Cheetah


  • 4 years-old
  • Always smiling (except when he's exhausted)
  • Says the funniest stuff
  • SO easy to hang out with all day
  • Will probably be bored in Preschool next year since he's just started spelling words
  • Recently caught on to the whole "Star Wars, Superhero, boys like this stuff" stuff
big fan: Yankees, Baseball in general, blue, Computer Games, My Friends Tigger & Pooh, Easy Mac, riding his bike, Outer Space

not so much: dinner (unless it's Easy Mac)


Anonymous said...

This is such a cute post. Those pics of the big kids are awesome!

Dorinda said...

Isn't it super hard to make sure everyone is even? Especially on a "triplet blog" - kills me.

Thanks for the update on the big kids - they are quite sweet.

Can I link to your blog from mine? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

waiting for your and shane's profile!!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

I love hearing about the older kids! And they are so cute!

I always feel guilty with my oldest, I think the triplets often overshadow her. Although she was the only child/grandchild/niece/etc... for 12 years so she soaked up a LOT of attention then :)

Sorry it took me so long to respond to your ? about the eye appt, but these guys have gotten SUPER busy in the last week. The NICU scheduled it for us before we left and we have just followed their rec's since then. If you have a concern, I would call a pedi eye dr...ours is always telling me to please waste his time and call if I even have a trivial concern!