Saturday, December 29, 2007
Madness of December
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Four Months...where'd the time go?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
2 Crazy Adventures
Call me crazy. No! Really! CALL ME CRAZY! The triplets made their first trip to the mall. Yup. The MALL! And it'll be awhile before they go again. Last Monday (11/12), Lindsay and I took "The 5" to the mall for their Christmas picture. I know, I know, "'re supermom...a Christmas picture're crazy...I only have 2 and we haven't gone yet...etc..." Get it all out, Ladies and Gentlemen, I've heard it all. But don't give me all that credit: I HAVE LINDSAY! Without her, there would be no picture, trust me! Anyway, we got everything ready for the big trip so when Zoe got off the bus from school at noon, we packed lunch into the big kids and stuffed the babies into their car seats. We were on our way by 12:30. Our appointment was at 1:10, but we needed to hit up Payless first, since Ty didn't have black shoes to wear (which, by the way, you can't even see in the picture).
First, you should know that Zoe's kindergarten class uses "Letter People" to learn the sound of each letter. For example: "Mr. M" had a "munching mouth" and "Ms. T" had "tall teeth". (If you look closely at the picture you can see the feet of the letters that the class has already finished hanging from the ceiling.) They are currently learning about "Mr. I" who is covered in "impossible inches". Since Zoe was the "Special Helper" on Thursday (11/15), she was asked to bring in a show & tell object that started with "I" and had the soft sound like in "impossible inches". So after phone calls to my mom and my friend (that's already had 4 kindergartners) and a trip through Webster's dictionary for ideas, Zoe decided she wanted to bring "INFANTS". We called her teacher and cleared it with her first. Then I needed to explain to Zoe that the babies wouldn't be taking the bus with her in the morning, we'd meet them at school. (Yes, she actually thought they were going WITH her...she was getting their car seats ready!)
Sure enough, a simple trip to show & tell became a very big challenge. First, the babies woke up early: 6am. Which would mean they would need to eat again at 10am - right during show & tell time. So, we had to hold the triplets off for an hour and THEN feed them. Second, it was outside. Third, Ty gave me a run for my money to get him in the car. But it wasn't enough to stop us.
Zoe had her show & tell and boy was it a show! While we waited out in the hall, Mrs. James had Zoe stand by the door and asked what Zoe brought for show & tell. Quietly, Zoe whispered, "infants". It was a little strange seeing Zoe so shy! Mrs. James asked Zoe to introduce the "infants" and then Zoe wheeled them into the class in their stroller. There was a chorus of "ahh's" as she came strolling in. All the kids immediately stood up and gathered around. Zoe got very protective and asked (i.e. ordered) them all to sit back down on the carpet. Of course Mrs. James was already all over it, but Zoe wasn't sure the kids would listen to their teacher, so she made sure to add her two cents. Once everyone was sitting again, Zoe got to stand there and call on her fellow classmates as they raised their hands to ask questions. "What do you do when they cry? Do they fit in the car? Which one was born first? What are their names? Which one is your favorite?" When Mrs. James asked if they wanted to take a closer look at the babies, Zoe was quick to make sure they all washed their hands. Eli was awake, so Zoe showed her classmates how she holds the babies, but was NOT going to let them have a turn. She made sure everyone took a few steps back to give Eli (and her) some space. Then Zoe let Mrs. James have a turn holding Eli before we put him back in his car seat. The "infants" were a huge hit! Their trip even made it into the weekly newsletter that Mrs. James sends home to parents. But boy am I glad I don't have to do it again!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
3 Months or 13 weeks and 1 day?
To celebrate, I thought y'all might like an update. In a nutshell: they're doing great. They spent their "birthday" at church, then home with family (& 9-day older cousin Micah), then cuddling with Daddy on the couch in front of a cozy fire.
According to their NICU discharge papers, they are "allowed" out and about now that they are 6 weeks past their due date (9/16). The doctors are still concerned about cold & flu season so they received their first dose of Synagis (to fight off RSV). And are due for their next monthly dose the day before Thanksgiving.
On a lighter note: Eli is the first to reach the rolling over milestone. He did it yesterday (11/5) from belly to back. Then he IMMEDIATELY complained that he was on his back. Every time I'd put him back on is belly, he'd immediately flip to his back and fuss.
All the babies are sleeping through the night...ON OCCASION...and just never all at the same time! The game plan is simple: If the first baby wakes up AFTER 4:30, I feed him/her and let the others sleep as long as they want. If the first baby wakes up BEFORE 4:30, they all get fed. =) There IS a method to my madness, but I won't bore you with it. Last night, they all slept until 5:30 (Ava), 5:45 (Eli) & 6:00 (Cole). So they each were fed and then I got 15 minutes to "relax" before getting Zoe up at 6:30 for school. After her bus came, it was BACK TO BED at 7:00 for a little catnap before Shane left for work (8:30). Not bad, right?
3 months down...and so good!
p.s. Eli's picked up a bad habit...
Halloween Happenings
Okay, on to the Higby Halloween Happenings...
Craziness...that's what Halloween now means to me! For the week leading up to this sugar-filled day, Ty has been hassling me with "How many more days until Halloween?" every 5 minutes! It even got to Lindsay (our Nanny). Her creative, resourceful, youthful mind thought to make the kids a countdown calendar. She's so smart...
Wednesdays are always a little nutty around here. But this was above and beyond. We loaded Zoe onto the bus at 7am (6:57 to be exact) then Ty, the trips and I raced out by 8:45 to CBS, as usual. If we leave any later, I can't go through the Dunkin Donut's drive thru around the corner for some MUCH needed caffeine. Then, when Bible Study was over at 11:15, we raced home to be sure to beat Zoe's bus. Lindsay was at the Rachel Ray taping all morning, so she wouldn't be at the house in case Zoe's bus came early. The absence of Lindsay also meant that Zoe & Ty would not be entertained all afternoon! So, from the moment we hit the door at 11:45 (it's hard to race out of a women's event with triplets...they tend to stop traffic) until 3:30, I had 2 very hyper, very annoying, very persistent, very impatient shadows. And when I say "shadow", I mean that there were at least 3 times that I stopped short and had a child run directly into my backside!
Praise the Lord for neighbors! In the middle of the afternoon triplet feeding, I grabbed Zoe & Ty's costumes and told them to get dressed and go across the street to the Steffe's. When Lindsay finally got to our house (after a fun filled time with her friends in NYC), I went over and joined in the traditional Pizza Dinner. We started this tradition about 2 years ago. And every year, it gets a little more nutty. The kids eat as little as possible during this dinner and Juliette and I try as hard as possible to not lose our minds while the kids test our patience with spills, bad manners, questions, arguments, and trips up from their seats.
Once dinner was done (around 5:30), we headed out. The whole gang. All 5 kids, 2 Moms & 1 neighbor girl/Mother's Helper. Just in case you can't quite make it out, Zoe's Belle and Ty's Derek Jeter.
When the houses on our street were completely visited (around 6:45pm), we headed out to Hallelujah night at church. The kids were supposed to be Biblical characters. So, Zoe's title switched to "Queen Esther" and Ty became one of the athletes that Paul referred to so much in his writings. (A stretch, yes, but I didn't have time to change their outfits.)
Church ended at 8:15. We packed up and headed out (after leaving the paint drenched pumpkins in PopPop's office to dry.) Needless to say, the kids hit a sugar low and fell asleep in the car on the 10 minute ride home.
Thursday morning, Ty woke up and asked, "How many more days until Halloween?"
Sunday, October 21, 2007
WAG Debut
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Moronic Move
Who will ever know why, but Monday morning, I decided I'd try on my wedding ring! Keep in mind, I took my ring off 2 months into my latest pregnancy (triplets) so that it wouldn't need to be cut off when I eventually swelled. I mean, I was SO swollen with Zoe, I was SURE I'd swell early with the triplets.
Okay...back to Monday...I hit a little resistance when I got to my knuckle, but I always did, so I just proceeded on...say it with me...MORON! Immediately, my finger began to swell and turn a LOVELY shade of blue. Lindsay (our Nanny) was quietly giggling in the living room and slowly beginning to panic. Not me, I calmly called my favorite neighbor who promptly told me my options, as she saw them: ER or Jewelry Store. I thought I'd call a store (who wants to pay the $75 ER Co-pay for a moronic move?) Here's how the conversation went:
"Hi! I have a hypothetical question for you"
"Hypothetically speaking, say a new mom of 2-month old triplets attempted to put on her wedding ring and well...hypothetically speaking, let's say the ring was pretty tight."
"Did this Mom try all the home remedies to get it off?"
" water...sticking her hand in the freezer...NOTHING would get it to budge...hypothetically...and now her finger is turning a lovely shade of hypothetical blue..."
"Then this mom should get to the ER or come into our store before her finger falls off!"
So I did! The store was right around the corner and the jeweler really struggled to get the clippers between my finger and the ring. After about 10 tries and a bunch of "mini" clips, the jeweler was able to pry the ring off. I guess it's a good time to get my rings sized, what do you say? Of course, I had to wait more than 3 hours before I could go back and get the ACTUAL size of my finger measured...and even then, my finger was still swollen. 24 hours later, there was still a bright red "ring" around my finger.
...And to think the ring was taken off so it wouldn't have to get cut off...Ironic, right?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Two Months Later
Cole - 12 pounds (actually, in his book, the nurse wrote, "11 lbs, 15 3/4 oz.)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Do I REALLY have a 5 year-old?
All this to say...Praise the Lord we only celebrate birthdays once a year!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Super Mom I Am Not!
I soooooooooooooooooooooo don't have it all together!
It's almost 10am and I'm still in my PJs. It's been one of those weeks where I start something, get distracted, take care of the distraction, forget I had started something, start something else, notice the original project I started, let IT distract me, go work on that, forget that I started a 2nd project...etc. You get the picture! in point...I'm writing on my blog and I SHOULD be...
* Folding Laundry
* Freezing Bagels
* Preparing Bottles
* Buying a Birthday Present (party tomorrow morning)
* Making Beds
* Loading the Dishwasher
* Putting Away Breakfast
* Coloring with Ty
* Writing Thank You's
* Vacuuming Kitchen
Well, today I'm determined to change that! Maybe because I had to dig through the dryer to find clean underwear for Zoe this morning. Apparently, my dryer can't handle two wash-loads at once, because Zoe's underwear was still slightly I got out the hair dryer to finish it up so Zoe could go to school. I may have started something though...she seemed to enjoy the toasted bun feeling. =)
Okay, enough with this distraction...I have work to do people! I can't just sit around entertaining you all day with stories of the craziness on DeBaun Avenue!
Have a great weekend...
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
For at least the next 13 years
Around 7:00 am, the bus driver walked down our street and met us at our house. Unfortunately, living on a dead-end street has some downfalls. Apparently, a 52-passenger bus can't turn around down our street and our driveway is too narrow for the bus to pull into. So, my little kindergartner is going to be picked up up the street. I guess we'll figure out how we'll manage that in the rain, snow, & during Shane's business trips later. And by "we", I mean "me". The bus driver said Zoe & I could wait at the curb in front of our house...when the bus pulled into the intersection and opened it's door, Zoe could run down the street and the driver would wait for her. Okay...I'm getting off topic...
Zoe IMMEDIATELY took off for the bus and barely stopped long enough for me to take a picture. I think you'll be able to tell from the picture just how excited she was to go to school.
She chose the seat right behind the door and buckled in. It wasn't until this morning that I found out why she likes that seat: "I can get off fast, Momma & I get to say 'hi' to everyone when they get on the bus!" Does she take after me, or what?
As the bus pulled away, there she on the bus for her first day of school...waving at me out the window of her bus! And lo & behold...I DIDN'T CRY! Go me!!!!!!!!
5 hours later (yes...5 hours) the bus dropped off my little girl. Grinning from ear to ear, she stopped at the bottom step of the bus and asked if she could go back tomorrow. (Did she think we'd gone through all this hoopla for ONE day?) I assured her there were PLENTY of school days ahead of her!
UPDATE: 9/5/07
This afternoon, I was greeted by a 16 year-old that took over Zoe's body! She came off the bus all exasperated and dramatic, "'s been a really long day...I don't want to talk about it...and please don't give me any projects...I've had so many projects today..." Not even a "Hi Mom! What's for lunch?" How crazy is that? Then she called Shane and told him how "horrible" the library was because she had so many tough choices to make. I guess picking just one library book is a bit traumatic for a (almost) 5 year-old. Boy, this year sure is going to be fun...
Together Again...
With all the babies home from the hospital, I didn't waste much time getting them together for a picture. It'd been two weeks since I had the babies together, and I'd NEVER had all 5 in one room, so this was exciting. A friend gave us these outfits and they screamed "take pictures of us". So, being the camera freak that I am, I obliged. My next project is to find rugbies for Zoe & Ty. =)
Ava Baby!
Yes, Ava Barbara Higby finally left the NICU on Wednesday (8/29/07) just 25 days after she was born. One of the reasons she was "stuck" in the NICU was her buddy Cathie. She was also Mommy's favorite nurse. She really loves our kids. I can't say enough about ALL the nurses at Valley, but Cathie just seemed to click with us.
Here's the peanut (weighing a whopping 5 lbs 2 oz) all ready to venture out into the world...
Monday, August 27, 2007
Triplets...Yes, you heard right!
There's a first time for everything
