Monday, April 14, 2008

Random Rambles...

It's been almost a week since I last posted? Where did those days go? What have I been doing?

Well, it's REALLY hard to blog while we're watching Season 4 of Lost on my laptop. So I guess that's the biggest problem. I'm not 100% sure I'm going to stick with Lost, since I'm angry about the way Season 3 ended. But you don't care about my TV habits.

Then there's that pesky 5k I'm trying to run in. What in the world was I thinking? I'm not a runner. CLEARLY, I suffer from temporary insanity...and stubbornness (since I refuse to quit now).

Third - the blasted impetigo outbreak here in our house. Not really an outbreak, since only 2/3 of the triplets got it. But it sounds so much more time consuming if I call it an outbreak. There are only a few days left of antibiotics and Cole & Ava are looking great. As far as we know, we only infected one other kid. But then again, we sort of stopped talking to maybe we spread germs elsewhere and are just ignorant (isn't it bliss?) Seriously, if we did get you sick...we're so sorry.

And of course, I got distracted by a new project: Dropshots. A new way to store my pix online. It's so easy to share. I'm a goober...I sound like a commercial!

OH - and I've got kids and a husband!

I promise, I'll work on the Developmental Eval tomorrow! Not that there's anything exciting in that blog-to-be but it'll be good to have "for the record".


Amy Sullins said...

You are awesome! I would have to do some serious exercise for a 5K and I just don't think I have that in me! :O)

Glad you like the Thirty-One stuff! Let me know if you have any questions about it! Happy to share! Have a great week!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

happy to hear that cole and ava are better! and a 5k? are you nuts? hahaha! my sister did the chicago marathon in the fall and just listening to her talk about her training made me tired. although i did have 3 newborns at the time. i wish i had the motivation to do a marathon. maybe next year...

Alexa said...

Ummm...5K? Seriously? Why? Why must you be so awesome?