Thursday, October 20, 2011

Soccer Star

It's know what that means...all across America, kids are kicking soccer balls and parents are freezing their tails off watching!  Thankfully, the Saturdays this October have had their fair share of sunshine and we've only got one kid cruisin' the field!

Don't adjust your monitor...that's the actual color of the Timbers' jerseys.  I think part of their strategy is to blind the other team with sun glare! 

Seriously, these jerseys make it easy to spot the team on the field!  The matching socks push it right over the top.  I think the strategy is working...they've only lost 1 or 2 games.

Ty absolutely loves playing.  He's so sweaty when the game is over!  His favorite "sports move" is pouring water over his head.  Of course, when Mom fills your water bottle with Gatorade, it makes the situation a bit sticky!

I'm still hoping that I can grab a few extra of these jersey after the season...for family vacations...should make it easier to keep an eye on my kids!

1 comment:

salli said...

What happened to my 3 year old Little Lamb?? He's getting all big and grown up!